Web application to show the Ant System algorithm used to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem.
There is no need to specify any parameters, they all have default values
- Iterations: Number of iterations of the algorithm. Default = 100
- Number of ants: The number of solutions constructed in each iterations. Default = 25
- Vehicle capacity: The maximum capacity of the vehicle (each node has a demand of around 10 units). Default depends on the problem
- q0: The probability of picking the best arc from a node. Default =0.9
- Beta: The importance of the distance of an arc in comparison with its pheromone level. Default = 2.3
- Pheromone change factor: The amount of pheromone an ant deposits in an arc. Default = 1
- Pheromone evaporation: The rate of evaporation of the pheromones. Default = 0.1
- Candidate size list: The n closest nodes to consider. Default = 50
- Multicolonies: Use a colony per vehicle route
Problems C1, C3, C4 are benchmark problems used in the paper. The parameters used are:
- 5000 iterations
- 25 ants
- The rest of the parameters are the default indicated above
Random problem creates 19 nodes (with demand =10) in random positions.
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